10 Lines on Daily Routine – 10 Lines about Daily Routine

10 Lines on Daily Routine – Here is available 10 lines essay on Daily Routine for Class 1, 2 & 3.

10 Lines on Daily Routine in English

  1. A typical daily routine may involve waking up and sleeping early at a fixed time, brushing teeth and bathing, eating a healthy breakfast, and then proceeding to work or school.
  2. I get up early in the morning at 5:30 am and go to school on time; this is my daily routine, which I follow.
  3. After retiring from school, I take some rest, watch TV, and spend time with family and friends.
  4. In the evening, I complete schoolwork, read a book, and watch television.
  5. Then I do the dinner with my family.
  6. After dinner, I retire for the night.
  7. A daily routine is like a pattern that we follow regularly.
  8. Daily routines make a person’s workload lighter.
  9. Everyone nowadays has a lot of tasks that they manage on a daily basis.
  10. Our daily routine helps us complete all our tasks in a timely and efficient manner.
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