10 Lines on My Father – 10 Lines about My Father

10 Lines on My Father – Here is available 10 lines essay on My Father for Class 1, 2 & 3.

My Father 10 Lines: Set 1

  1. My Father name is Ram Veer Singh.
  2. He’s 32 years old.
  3. He is an educator.
  4. He is a wonderful human being.
  5. He is a very hard worker for my future.
  6. He looks after my education.
  7. He picks me up from school each day.
  8. He believes in simplicity of life and high-level thinking.
  9. He is an inspiration for me.
  10. I am very proud of my father.

My Father Essay 10 Lines: Set 2

  1. My father’s name is Saurabh Giri.
  2. He is a tailer.
  3. He is a very friendly perso.
  4. He is extremely friendly and soft spoken.
  5. He motivates me to put in the effort.
  6. He tries to complete my every need.
  7. He Never gets angry at me.
  8. He eats a healthy diet.
  9. He assists the poor and needy persons.
  10. Myfather is the main hero of my life.

10 Lines on My Father: Set 3

  1. My father’s name is Gaurav Giri.
  2. He is a teacher.
  3. My father is a man of principle.
  4. He’s as simple as a child.
  5. He assists me with my studies in his spare time.
  6. He is the one who inspires me to realize my goals.
  7. He treats all people respectfully and with dignity.
  8. He is fit and healthy man.
  9. He fulfil all our needs.
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