10 Lines on My Favourite Food – 10 Lines about My Favourite Food

10 Lines on My Favourite Food – Here is available 10 lines essay on My Favourite Food for Class 1, 2 & 3.

10 Lines on My Favorite food

  1. My favourite food is pizza because this looks so yummy, and crispy and so cheesy in teste.
  2. I am very foodie. I love to eat and cook pizza. The food gives us energy.
  3. My favourite food is pizza and I am always hungry for it.
  4. Every pie of pizza is a different shape and size.
  5. On every occasion or friend birthday, I celebrate it with pizza style.
  6. My mother is the best cook who makes pizza for me.
  7. My lots of friends love to eat pizza with me.
  8. There are different types of pizza available in shop but I love only cheese pizza mostly.
  9. When I see my favourite food pizza in front of me, I feel so much hungry.
  10. I think I have a unique and different relation with Pizza. That’s why Pizza is my favorite food.
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