Essay on My Hobby – Paragraph on My Hobby with Examples
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Essay on My Hobby – Here is available a paragraph on My Hobby essay for students and children.
Essay on My Hobby in English
I am pretty sure, we are all equipped with the term ‘hobby’- which is defined as the activity which we love to do, an activity which is our favorite, an action or habit which we do in our free or recreation hours. This activity brings pleasure and enjoyment into our life. There are many hobbies which we are uniquely favorites to everyone. I will list out some of my hobby, which gives me immense pleasure and enjoyment continually. These are the activities which I do not get bored doing it repeatedly, as I love to do them. As they are not one which I am compelled to do, rather, I enjoy doing them, and I find new significance at the time.
One of my favorite hobby as a student, is Reading books. Reading makes a man what he is. I feel renewed and always something savory inside me when is engage in reading books. There are lots of things that I learnt in reading, as it keeps me abreast with the knowledge. It gives me confidence in learning new concepts, and also apply them in my studies. My thinking ability get wider, and I begin to look at the world in a newer way. Reading helps in the imagination process. I am able to visit all the corridors of heavens, and enter the secret chambers of kingdoms, and walk past the most secured places through my imagination. Reading is the most useful hobby I have learnt as a student. No time is wasted, when it is given to reading books. Of the many things I read, are stories, novels, and books on famous personalities, philosophy and opinions. They keep me updated with all the requisite information for my thought process.
Another most cherished part of my hobby as a learner in life and student is the curiosity to learn new things everyday, which is beneficial for my career, character, development and my personality. I keep a track of my new things. I maintain a diary and this helps me lot. Here are the things I learn in my hobby:
• I learn a lot of new words, synonyms and its usage, its history
• I have learnt a number of musical instruments, namely guitar, keyboard, drum, and other organs.
• I have learnt the operation of new technologies and also learnt a great list of new operations of gadgets too.
As students, I believed to give myself only those hobbies which will keep me creative and most productive in life. And true enough they are of some much help.
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