Essay on Save Water and Electricity – Paragraph on Save Water and Electricity with Examples

Essay on Save Water and Electricity – Here is available a paragraph on Save Water and Electricity essay for students and children.

Essay on Save Water and Electricity in English

Water and electricity are among the foremost necessary and essential natural resources obtainable on mother earth for our use. They are essential for existence and sustenance of life and maintaining an ecological balance within the world. Life on earth while not water isn’t potential and that we have witnessed several wars fought between civilizations over water.

Water constitutes most a part of the planet solely minimum percent of it for our daily use. The amount of water that the planet holds has remained constant, however, we tend to keep polluting it in several harmful ways that eventually result in water insufficiency. Adequate measures should be taken towards optimum usage of water and use ways like rainwater gathering so as to confirm handiness for the future.

Water could be a terribly essential supply of life on earth for varied desires like drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, agriculture, etc. we should always save water and may not contaminate it in order that it remains obtainable for the longer term generations too. we should always stop wasting water and use it scarcely and so maintain the correct quality of water.

The world would be in darkness had it not been for the invention of electricity. We should take utmost care to conserve power for our use and for the generations to come. They say that it is better to light a candle rather than to curse the darkness. But the world would surely be darkness if don’t learn to use the power supply wisely.

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Water and electricity the most important resource that our Mother Nature has freely offered us. It’s not solely necessary to people however it’s additionally essential for all the living species, plants, and trees. It’s additionally necessary for the sustenance of variety of life on our planet. The number of fresh water is incredibly restricted and it’s chiefly obtainable in lakes, rivers and spring water. It is our prime responsibility that we should always stop this and additionally unfold the campaign to ‘SAVE WATER and ELECTRICITY’ in order that we will conserve one among the foremost valuable and important resources not just for these days but for generations ahead. Also, we should educate children to save electricity and control our use. We should turn off the lights and fans we don’t require them. The efforts we put into saving water and electricity would bear fruit certainly. Let us the agents of saving water and electricity and invite others also to learn to conserve them for the betterment of the world.

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