Essay on Traffic Rules – Paragraph on Traffic Rules with examples

Essay on Traffic Rules – Here is available paragraph on Traffic Rules essay for students and children.

Essay on Traffic Rules in English – Traffic rules are the laws which embody the governance of traffic and the regulation of vehicles. These play the most vital role in the system of a country. Traffic rules are made to give more safety in following the procedure to move in the traffic and help in avoiding accidents in the town and cities. Not being able to maintain and follow these rules has resulted into disastrous endings of many lives. Following these rules helps the faster movement of vehicles and also keeps oneself and other safe from fatal accidents. And accidents if occurs, it take the life of a person’s out of him/her.

Traffic rules have become an increasing importance with the passage of time. It is a set of instructions or manual on how to conduct oneself in the traffic or on road while driving or walking. In the past it was not so much a felt importance, but with the progress of nations, especially in cities and towns, traffic rules are the fundamental steps to reach home safe from work, errands or schools. Earlier, it was a human being who looked into the flow of traffic in traffic points, but with innovation, this is replaced with signaling lights, which enhances the smooth running of vehicles. The meaning signified in the traffic rules with these lights are as follows:

  • When the red light appears, one has to stop,
  • When the yellow light appears it means to get ready,
  • When the green light appears, it means to go,
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Following this basic traffic rule wherever needed keeps one safe and others safe too. The rate of deaths at such places over the years was disastrous. Those trying to override the authority of the traffic rules, by consequence fall victim of accidents. Thus it is imperative to keep the traffic rules.

There are numerous traffic signs which are under the traffic rules, which states on where to maintain and halt, namely cross-roads, schools, and not to blow horns near hospitals. These are to facilitate the better functions of other most important and complex things of life. Keeping these rules promotes a safer environment for the vulnerable and those needing greater attention.

The implementation of the traffic rules is carried out by traffic police. However, their effort alone can’t help to make the situation better, unless we abide to it. Our cooperation is must to extend the proper maintenance of the traffic rules. Everyone must follow it.

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