Essay on Who Am I – Paragraph on Who Am I with Examples

Essay on Who Am I – Here is available a paragraph on Who Am I essay for students and children.

Essay on Who Am I in English

I have given myself into great amount of introspection on who I am? What are the elements that make me or will make me who I am? What is the required personality traits, that will define me as who I am? Is it the dress that I wear, or the food I eat, or the occupation I do, or the type of people is spend my time with? What is that makes me who I am? These are the set of question that pops-up into my mind, when is think deeply about who I am.

What is the standard element which will make me, the- me I want to be? I firmly believe that there is not one thing nor one description, nor one character/ personality that will be adequate to make me the person. Having thought a lot, I love the thought of considering myself as the loveliest person around, and I believe that many find the pleasure of my company too. I am able to get well along with all my friends and, am able to adjust with anyone, regardless of their background. I love the feeling of me and the personality I am bestowed with.

As a student I am diligent in carrying out the assignments, without having to be reminded over and over again in the class. There are no moments when I waste my time idly, rather utilize every bit of the time usefully in learning new things. This makes me who I am. And I am proud to say that, I always score the best of marks in the examinations with my hard-work, and make my parents happy too. I know it is my duty to see the smile in the face of my parents. My efforts in my study are a sign for my love for them, and the burden they take to provide me with all the things I want.

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Yes, as a human being, I am grateful to everyone for the help rendered. And be quick to apologize for the mistakes I might make in my growing. I am sensitive to the needs of my neighbors. On protecting the environment, I am not wasteful and take care of everything around me, the trees and the animals too. Besides, it is my duty to uphold the glory of my nation and foster the progress in my little ways.

All of these in a fine combination make me who I am. And I am pleased with, doing good to everyone who needs it. I am in love to know who I am. It make me a special person.

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