Number of Players in Sports

S.No The sports with the number of players 
1 In Single – 1 player & In Double – 2 players is must in single badminton team
2 In the game of Baseball 9 players is must in one team
3 In the game of Basketball 5 players is must in one team
4 In the game of Billiards/Snooker 1 players is must in one team
5 In the game of Boxing 1 players is must in one team
6 In the game of Chess 1 players is must in one team
7 In the game of Cricket 11 players is must in one team
8 In the game of Croquet 3 or 6 players is must in one team
9 In the game of Football (Soccer) 11 players is must in one team
10 Not fixed player in the game of Golf
11 In the game of Hockey 11 players is must in one team
12 In the game of Kabaddi 7 players is must in one team
13 In the game of Kho Kho 9 players is must in one team
14 In the game of Lacrosse 10 players is must in one team
15 In the game of Netball 7 players is must in one team
16 In the game of Polo 4 players is must in one team
17 In the game of Rugby football 15 players is must in one team
18 In Single – 1 player & In Double – 2 players is must in single Table Tennis team
19 In Single – 1 player & In Double – 2 players is must in single Tennis team
20 In the game of Volleyball 6 players is must in one team
21 In the game of Water Polo 7 players is must in one team
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