SI and CI Questions and Answers

SI and CI Maths Quiz for Every Competitive Exams GS Team published here most important SI and CI Maths Questions and Answers in english for Every competitive exams like SBI, RRB, Railway, Police, Clerk, Bank IBPS and more. These questions and answers will be helpful for crack all competitive exams.

Simple Interest and Compound Interest Aptitute Questions and Answers (Quiz) for Competitive Exams

Question 1. If an amount becomes four times its normal amount in 15 years from simple interest, what is the rate of annual interest?
1. 20%
2. 25%
3. 15%
4. 18%

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Answer: 20%

Question 2. In how many years will a money become treble at the rate of 10% per annum?
1. 10 years
2. 15 years
3. 20 years
4. 25 years

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Answer: 20 years

Question 3. Rs 600 But what will be the simple interest in 4 years at 31 1/2% annual rate?
1. 80 Rs.
2. Rs. 90
3. Rs. 87
4. Rs. 84

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Answer: Rs 84.

Question 4. If a money becomes double in 16 years, then how much will it be multiplied in 8 years?
1. 1 1/2
2. 3
3. 6
4. 2

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Answer: 1 1/2

Question 5. A man is 500. Borrowed for 4 years at simple interest at 5% per annum, how much money will he pay?
1. 500
2. 600
3. 450
4. Rs. 400

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Answer: Rs. 600

Question 6. Rs. 15000 But what will be the interest of 1 year at the rate of 8% compound annual interest, while the interest is payable half-yearly?
1. 1, 224 Rs.
2. 1, 300 Rs.
3. 1, 200 Rs.
4. Rs. 1,000

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Answer: 1, Rs 224.

Question 7. The population of a city is 10648. If it increases by 10% every year, how much was 3 years ago?
1. 6, 000
2. 10, 000
3. 8,000
4. 5, 000

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Answer: 8,000

Question 8. Difference of compound interest and simple interest at the rate of 10% per annum for 3 years is Rs. 620. Will happen?
1. 25,000
2. 20,000
3. 15,000
4. 10,000

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Answer: Rs. 20,000

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