7 June 2021 – The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary
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Today 7 June 2021 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary list of more than 20 Words. It’s help for crack competitive exams and improve english.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary – 7 June 2021
1. Fractious (झगड़ालू), [Adjective]
Synonyms: Refractory, Disobedient
Antonyms: Obident, Agreeable, Stable
Sentence: The fractious nature of politics.
2. Rival (प्रतिद्वंद्वी) [Noun]
Synonyms: Competitor, Enemy
Antonyms: Friend, Winner.
Sentence: He beat his closest rival by 10 marks
3. Hardly (मुश्किल से) [Adverb]
Synonyms: Barely, Scarce
Antonyms: Ample, Inequity
Sentence: The party had hardly started when she left
4. Oust (बाहर निकालना) [Verb]
Synonyms: Expel, Drum out
Antonyms: Fuse, Saddle
Sentence: NCAA winners have been ousted from the tournament.
5. Feeble (कमज़ोर) [Adjective]
Synonyms: Lame, Week
Antonyms: Strong, Irregular
Sentence: Now a day Pakistan economy is Feeble.
6. Riot (दंगा) [Noun]
Synonyms: Violence, Force
Antonyms: Sober, Civilian
Sentence: Students are rioting in the streets of the capital
7. Deem (मानना) [VERB]
Synonyms: Take for, Reckon
Antonyms: mis-judge, Divide
Sentence: The area has now been deemed safe
8. Destructive (विनाशकारी) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Vitriolic, Harmful
Antonyms: Creative, Harmless
Sentence: The child needs help to control his destructive behavior
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