A to Z Abbreviations And Acronyms List of 2017 – All FULL FORMS Abbreviations
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Complete List of Latest Abbreviations And Acronyms for Exams and Jobs
Acronym | Abbreviation |
3G | stand for Third Generation (3rd Generation) |
4G | stand for Fourth Generation |
A.M. | stand for Ante Meridiem (before noon) |
AAA | stand for Asian Athletics Association |
AAFI | stand for Amateur Athletics Federation of India |
AAG | stand for Afro-Asian Games |
AAI | stand for Airport Authority of India |
AAOU | stand for Asian Association for Open University |
AAPI | stand for American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin |
AAPSO | stand for Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Organisation |
AASU | stand for All-Assam Students’ Union |
ABC | stand for Audit Bureau of Circulations (American Broadcasting Company) (Australian Broadcasting Company) |
ABM | stand for Anti Ballistic Missile |
ABSU | stand for All Bodo Student’ Union |
ABU | stand for Asian Broadcasting Union |
AC | stand for Air Conditioner |
AC | stand for Ante Christum (Before Christ) Ashok Chakra Air Conditioner |
ACAS | stand for Airborne Collision Avoidance System |
ACB | stand for Anti-Corruption Bureau |
ACC | stand for Auxiliary Cadet Corps Air Coordinating Committee |
ACD | stand for Asian Co-operation Dialogue Anti Collision Device |
ACHR | stand for Asian Centre for Human Rights |
ACL | stand for Access Control LIst |
ACU | stand for Asian Clearing Union |
AD | stand for Anno Domini (After Christ) |
ADB | stand for Asian Development Bank |
ADBS | stand for Advanced Data Broadcast System |
ADC | stand for Aide-de-Camp |
ADF | stand for Asian Development Fund |
ADRs | stand for American Depository Receipts |
ADS | stand for Air Defence Ship |
AEC | stand for Atomic Energy Commission |
AEOI | stand for Automatic Exchange of Information |
AERB | stand for Atomic Energy Regulation Board |
AF | stand for Audio Frequency |
AFC | stand for Asian Football Confederation |
AFI | stand for Athletics Federation of India |
AFMC | stand for Armed Forces Medical College |
AFNET | stand for Air Force Network |
AFP | stand for Australian Federal Police |
AFSPA | stand for Armed Forces Special Powers Act |
AFTC | stand for Asia Foundation for Thermonuclear Studies |
AG | stand for Accountant General Attorney General |
AGM | stand for Annual General Meeting |
AGP | stand for Asom Gana Parishad Accelerated Graphics Port |
AI | stand for Artifical Intelligence Air India |
AIADMK | stand for All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam |
AIBEA | stand for All India Bank Employees Association |
AICC | stand for All India Congress Committee |
AICI | stand for Agricultural Insurance Corporation of India |
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