Agriculture Questions and Answers Section 8
- अरुण कुमार
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1. Heterosis is:
A. Hybrid sterility
B. Hybrid vigour
C. Hybrid Incompatibility
D. None of the above
2. Rennet is
A. Vitamin
B. Hormone
C. Enzymes
D. None of the above
3. Botanical name of lentil is:
A. Oryza sativa
B. Lens esculenta
C. Pisum sativum
D. Avena Sativa
4. Cheapest way of treating alkaline soil is by adding:
A. Gypsum
D. None of these
5. Soils transported by running water is known as:
A. Colluvial
B. Eolian
C. Alluvial
D. Glacial
6. The fertile soil has:
A. More organic matter
B. More water holding capacity
C. Both of the above
D. None of these
7. Banas dairy is located at:
A. Gandhinagar
B. Palanpur
C. Mehsana
D. Surat
8. Acid Sulphate soils are found mostly in:
A. Desert areas
B. Tarai areas
C. Coastal areas
D. None of the above
9. Which of the following Herbicides is not a Carbamates?
A. Propham
B. Barban
C. Dalapon
D. Dichlormate
10. King of arid fruits:
A. Ber
B. Litchi
C. Banana
D. Custard Apple