SET 3 – Arithmetic Ability Questions and Answers
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Arithmetic Ability Maths Quiz for Every Competitive Exams GS Team published here most important Arithmetic Ability Maths Questions and Answers in english for Every competitive exams like SBI, RRB, Railway, Police, Clerk, Bank IBPS and more. These questions and answers will be helpful for crack all competitive exams.
SET 3 – Arithmetic Ability “Aptitute” Questions and Answers (Quiz) for Competitive Exams
Question 1. If 3 cubes of 2 cm side are stacked and then cut into 1/3 and 2/3 parts, find the difference between the surface of the big and the small part?
1. 6 sq cm 2
2. 8 sq cm 2
3. 16 sq cm 2
4. 4 sq cm 2
Question 2. Shri. X invested 1/2 of his investment at 6 percent per year, 20 percent of his investment, at the rate of 10 percent per year, and the remaining investment at 8 percent per year. At the end of the year he received an interest of Rs 740. Mr. What is the total investment made by X?
1. 15000 rupees
2. 12000 rupees
3. 8000 rupees
4. 10000 Rupees
Question 3. Pie chart shows the various contributors to a firm’s revenue for the year 2018. Estimated revenue for 2019 was in the same proportion with a 20 percent increase overall. If soap revenue was $ 15 million in 2018, what would be the share of foodstuff and soap revenue in 2019?
1. $ 36.8 million
2. $ 37.8 million
3. $ 35.8 million
4. $ 37.2 million
Question 4. How many thermocol shells with radius 0.2 cm can be formed from the precursor sphere area with radius 2 cm?
1. 3000
2. 1000
3. 4000
4. 2000
Question 5. If (x + y) ( x-y) = 9: 1, then 4x: 3y =?
1. 3: 4
2. 3: 5
3. 4: 9
4. 5: 3
Question 6. Provision of same supply for 6 days was made for 50 students in a summer camp. If 25 students leave the camp after 3 days, how many days can the remaining students spend the remaining supplies extra?
1. 3 days
2. 6 days
3. 4 days
4. 5 days
Question 7. A runner completes 100 m at a speed of 10 m / s and the remaining 300 m at a speed of 15 m / s to complete the 400 m track. Find the total time required?
1. 15 SI unit
2. 30 SI unit
3. 45 SI unit
4. 20 SI unit
Question 8. Pie chart shows the proportion of expenditure by the government on various schemes. How much more money has been spent on Plan F than the amount spent on Plan D and E?
1. 0.6667
2. 0.5
3. 0.75
4. 1
Question 9. The line chart shows the annual grain production over a time frame. In which year the percentage decrease in production is the highest as compared to the previous year?
1. 2016
2. 2013
3. 2015
4. 2014
Question 10. 3 children throw 10 balls a minute in a basket with a capacity of 500 balls. If each child rests for 5 minutes after every 10 minutes, how long will it take to fill the basket?
1. 45 minutes
2. 30 minutes
3. 75 minutes
4. 70 minutes
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