SET 2 – Blood Relation Reasoning Questions and Answers

Blood Relation Reasoning Quiz for Every Competitive Exams GS Team published here most important Blood Relation Questions and Answers in english for Every competitive exams like SBI, RRB, Railway, Police, Clerk, Bank IBPS and more. These questions and answers will be helpful for crack all competitive exams.

SET 2 – Blood Relation Reasoning Questions and Answers (Quiz) for Competitive Exams

Question 1. Six children A, B, C, D, E and F are playing volleyball. A and E are sisters, F is brother of E, C is the only daughter of A’s aunt, B and D are sons of sister of mother of C. Accordingly, how will C be related to F?
1. Daughter
2. sister
3. Aunt
4. Cousin

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Answer: Cousin

Question 2. A woman pointed to a photograph (picture) and said, “This man’s sister is my mother-in-law.” How is the person in the photograph related to the woman’s husband?
1. Impulse (grandson)
2. Son
3. son-in-law
4. Nephew

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Answer: Deity (grandson)

Question 3. Harbir introduced Jaspreet to her husband and said that her brother’s father is the only son of grandfather. How is Harbir related to Jasprit?
1. Aunt
2. sister
3. Niece
4. Mother

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Answer: niece

Question 4. A woman introduced a man as the son of his mother’s brother. How is the man related to the woman?
1. son
2. Uncle
3. Mama Brother
4. Grandson

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Answer: Mamera Bhai

Question 5. A is father of C and D is son of B, E is brother of A. If C is sister of D, then what is the relation between B and E?
1. Daughter
2. Brother in Law
3. Husband
4. Sister in Law

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Answer: Sister in Law

Question 6. Read the following statement:
i) M is brother of N
ii) B is brother of N and
iii) M is brother of D

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Which of the following statements are definitely true:
1. N is brother of B
2. N is brother of D
3. M is brother of B
4. D is brother of M

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Answer: M is brother of B

Question 7. Rati is the daughter of my brother’s son. If my brother has only one real brother / sister, then what is the relationship between Rati and my brother’s wife?
1. niece
2. Daughter
3. Granddaughter
4. Bhabhi

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Answer: Granddaughter

Question 8. C is the nephew of A’s father. D belongs to A but not brother of C. How are D and C related?
1. Father
2. sister
3. Mother
4. Aunt

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Answer: sister

Question 9. Read the following statement.
i) A + B means “A is father of B”
ii) A – B means “A is wife of B”
iii) A x B means “A is brother of B”
iv) A / B means “A is daughter of B”

If A – C / B, then which statements are correct-
1. A is mother of B
2. B is daughter of A.
3. A is maternal aunt of B
4. A is sister of B

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Answer: A is mother of B

Question 10. Sarita took a photograph and said, “This is Neha’s mother, whose father is my son.” What is the relationship between Sarita and the girl shown in the picture?
1. mother in law
2. Aunt
3. Cousin
4. Sister

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Answer: mother in law

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