SET 7 – Books and Authors Questions and Answers

Books and Authors Questions with Answers – In this section very important Books and Authors related gk questions and answers have been published Here the students are studying and preparing for various competitive exams. These All Books and Authors Quiz is an important for SSC, UPSC, Railway, Bank, IBPS Examination.

SET 7 – Books and Authors Quiz for Competitive Exams

Q1. Who is the author of the recently published book “Final Test”?
1. Sachin Tendulkar
2. Kapil Dev
3. Dilip D’Souza
4. Yuvraj Singh

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Answer: Dileep D'Souza

Q2. Who is the author of the book “Born Again on the Mountain”?
1. Pratap Reddy
2. Arunima Sinha
3. Pratima Chaudhary
4. Aruna Sharma

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Answer: Arunima Sinha

Q3. Which of these books is not written by JK Rowling?
1. silkworms
2. Accidental vacancy
3. Detective Man
4. Calling of CoQ

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Answer: Detective Man

Q4. The Avadhoota Gita, which is based on the principles of Advaita Vedanta, is described as:
1. Tembe Swami
2. Pundalik
3. Dattatreya
4. none of the above

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Answer: Dattatreya

Q5. Which of the following is the word (word) of 2014 as announced by the Oxford Dictionary?
1. Vape
2. Safe
3. Bestie
4. Bookholic

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Answer: Vape (/ su_spoiler]

Q6. What is the title of the recent book written on the biography of Sachin?
1. Playing it my way
2. Playing cricket
3. Remembering cricket
4. Cricket Day

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Answer: Playing it my way

Q7. Australian writer Richard Flanagan won the 50,000 pound Man Booker Prize for which of these books?
1. The Narrow Road to the Deep North
2. Wants
3. Unknown Terrorists
4. Death of a river guide

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Answer: The Narrow Road to the Deep North

Q8. Which of these books of Malala Yousafzai has recently been published in several Indian languages?
1. In the Line of Fire
2. against the veil
3. I Am Malala
4. Warrior with words

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Answer: I Am Malala

Q9. The book "Born Again on the Mountain" is based on which of the following?
1. Bachendri Pal
2. Arunima Sinha
3. Santosh Yadav
4. Prelataata Agarwal

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Answer: Arunima Sinha

Q10. "Organizer" is a weekly magazine published by which of these organizations?
1. Bharatiya Janata Party
2. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
3. Hindu group
4. Communist Party of India

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Answer: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
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