Current Affairs – 20 February 2021 Questions and Answers
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Daily Current Affairs Quiz on 20th February 2021 for Competitive Exams
GS Team published here 20 February 2021 Current Affairs Quiz. These will be helpful for the upcoming SSC, UPSC, Bank, Railway, Clerk, PO exams. These current affairs make daily analysis and related India, World, Technology, and all govt news. If you have a question, please reach out to us through comments.
20th February – GK Quiz for SSC and Bank Exams
India has joined the “Iran-Russia Maritime Security Belt 2021” naval exercise in which of the following ocean?
- Pacific Ocean
- Indian Ocean
- Atlantic Ocean
- Arabian Sea
Which of the following group has entered into an agreement to buy a 68 percent stake in BigBasket?
- Tata Group
- Reliance Group
- HDFC Group
- Mahindra Group
Who has recently been named as the Director-General of International Solar Alliance by India?
- Sanjeet Kumar
- Ajay Mathur
- Sandeep Singhania
- Sudeep Shekhawat
The spacecraft of the US space agency NASA has successfully landed on the Jjero crater of which planet at 2.25 pm?
- Mercury Planet
- Venus
- Saturn
- Mars
The Union Cabinet has recently approved amendments to which act aimed at strengthening child protection?
- Child Justice Act, 2015
- Juvenile Justice Act, 2015
- Education Justice Act, 2015
- Science Justice Act, 2015
Researchers have found the world’s oldest animal fossil in Bhimbetka in which state?
- Gujarat
- Maharashtra
- Madhya Pradesh
- Punjab
Which day is celebrated worldwide on 20 February?
- World Women’s Day
- World Science Day
- World Mother’s Day
- World Social Justice Day
Who has become the most expensive uncapped foreign player in IPL history in the 14th season of IPL?
- Corey Andeson
- Rylee Meredith
- James Hopes
- Daily Homes
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