Essay on Corruption – Paragraph on Corruption with Examples

Essay on Corruption – Here is available a paragraph on Corruption essay for students and children.

Essay on Corruption in English

Corruption in the India has prevailed since time immemorial in one form or the other. In India corruption is a result of the connection between bureaucrats, politicians and criminals. In the earlier days, bribes were given for getting wrong things done, but now bribe is paid for getting the right things done in the society. Of late corruption seems to have become something respectable in India, because tall leaders are involved in it. Social corruption like wrong weighing of products, adulteration in edible items, and bribery of various kind have continuously prevailed in the society.

In the present scenario, if a person wants a government job he has to pay a great sum of money to the higher officials irrespective of satisfying all the criteria for eligibility. In almost all the offices a candidate has either to give money to the employee concerned or arrange for some sources to get the job done. There is adulteration of food and fake measurement of products in civil supplies department by heartless workers who cheat the consumers by playing with the health and lives of their own countrymen. In the assessment of property tax the officers always find loopholes and charge money even if the house is built properly according to the Government rules and regulations.

Political corruption is worst among all in our country. The major cause of concern is that corruption is dehumanising the political body and demeaning the supreme importance of the law governing the society. Nowadays politics is only for criminals and outlaws, and these criminals are meant to be in politics. Elections in many parts of the country have become linked with a host of criminal and draconian activities. Coercing voters to cast their votes for a particular candidate or physically preventing voters from going in to the polling booth especially weaker sections of the society like the tribal, the Dalits, the downtrodden and rural woman occurs frequently in several parts of the country.

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Another form of high profile corruption is tax evasion, it is one of the most popular forms of corruption. It is mostly prevalent among Government officials and politicians who have accumulated black money which in turn spoils the moral of the people.

The one thing that must be sternly ensured is proper and equal measures of various anti-social regulations to take strong, deterrent, and timely legal action against the perpetrators without any fear of their political influences or money power. Firm and strong steps are required to curb the menace and an atmosphere has to be created where the good, patriotic, intellectuals come forward to serve the country with honesty and sincerity for the welfare of the people of country.

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