Essay on Donation – Paragraph on Donation with Examples

Essay on Donation – Here is available a paragraph on Donation essay for students and children.

Essay on Organ Donation in English

Organ donation is a freewill donation of one’s organ or organs to be used in another person. It is called organ donation when a one legally allows an organ to be removed from his body and transplanted into another person, either by consent while the donor is alive or with the assent of the next of kin if the donor is dead. It is the process of allowing organ or tissue to be removed surgically from one person to transplant it in another person or to use it for research purpose by medical students. Organ donation is encouraged worldwide for prolonging of life and for better medical research.

Organ donation is a topic which is debatable because there are so many conflicting views. To some of the people, organ donation is a genuine way of saving the life of another person in need, to some, it is considered unethical and yet to others it is beyond comprehension. There are some ways that can be employed to increase donation. Of these techniques, the most crucial is the need for education and sensitization. Only if the necessity and shortage of organs were fully understood by the people, the rate of organ donation would more likely be on a higher scale. A great effort is needed to be put in throughout the world to make people aware of the benefits of organ donation.

Some of the most common transplantations include transplantation of kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, pancreas, intestines, bones, bone marrow, skin, and corneas. Only a few organs and tissues can be donated by donors while he or she is alive, such as a kidney or parts of the liver or pancreas, lungs or intestines, but most of these donations take place after the donor has died.
There is a growing demand for organs all over the world. It is indeed disheartening to see how several people in different parts of the world die every year while waiting for organ transplant. The governments of many countries are taking various measure to raise the supply of organs and in some countries the number of donors in on the rise. However, the requirement of organs has also increased simultaneously and rapidly.

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Organ donation is a miracle for modern society. This noble act of giving life to another human being should be glorified. People should change their mindset and promote this good practice of saving a life. Even if one can’t be a donor one should always encourage those who are willing to donate their precious organs to save the life of another human being.

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