Essay on Bhagat Singh – Paragraph on Bhagat Singh with Examples

Essay on Bhagat Singh – Here is available a paragraph on Bhagat Singh essay for students and children.

Essay on Bhagat Singh in English

Bhagat Singh (1907 – 1931) was an Indian socialist revolutionary who became a folk hero of the Indian independence movement at the age of twenty-three. He is highly acclaimed as a patriot for the two heroic acts of violence against the British in India.

He is better known as Shaheed Bhagat Singh. True indeed he was a freedom fighter who left no stone unturned to bring about reformations in the struggle against the British. He is believed to be one of the most influential revolutionaries of the Indian freedom struggle against the British Raj in India.

Many of his kith and kin including his father and uncles were actively involved in the struggle for Indian independence. His family upbringing, as well as certain events that occurred during that time, were an inspiration for him to join the freedom struggle at a very early age. As a young boy, he took a keen interest in studying the European revolutionary movements and was drawn towards the ideologies of Anarchism and Marxism. Later he joined the revolutionary activities and played an active part in them inspiring many others to involve themselves in the same.

The turning point in his life was the murder of Lala Lajpat Rai, a great freedom fighter. Bhagat Singh could not bear the injustice and planned to revenge Rai’s death and so he murdered a British Official John Saunders and then he planned to bomb the Central Legislative Assembly.

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Bhagat Singh was among the freedom fighters who did not conform to the Gandhian style of fighting against the British. He followed the Extremist ways choked out by Lal-Bal-Pal. He teamed up with those who believed in rebellion by acting aggressively rather than following the path of non-violence. For his ways of working and conducting himself, he is considered as an atheist, communist and socialist.

After executing all that he had planned to do he surrendered himself and was eventually hanged by the British government. He became an inspiration for the Indian youth to imitate especially his heroic acts.

Bhagat Singh was a truly a patriot who did not only fight for the freedom of the country but had given up his own life in the event. His death resulted in bringing mixed emotions throughout the country. He is revered by the people of India for his contribution to the freedom movement. He is truly a martyr who gave up his dear life for a noble cause.

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