Essay on Youth – Paragraph on Youth with Examples
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Essay on Youth – Here is available a paragraph on Youth essay for students and children.
Essay on Youth in English
Youth is regarded as the spring time in the Human season. It is that time of life which is between the childhood and adulthood, which is synonymous to the process of maturity. The common characteristic which is dominant in the youth are the spirit of fearless passion, freshness, unbounded vigor, enthusiastic and the appearance is one of innocence. More than a stage in life youth is an experience which shows the level of dependency in terms of emotional and financial with the family. Often, youth is associated with the mindset too.
Youth is the greatest treasure which a nation can have. The better the level and standard of youth a county has, the greater is the progress of a nation. Disoriented youth in the society are often nuisance and are not regarded productive for the nation. The future of the nation lies in the hands of the youth; therefore it is necessary to raise the standard of the youth, with increased level of education and empowerment. They authorities who rule the country are not going to be forever here. Thus, it is required to impart the right level of administrative responsibility to the youth. The better they are guided; the nation will be guided to great progress and development.
Youth is power. This power has to be used with outmost care. It has the potency bring lots of difference in the society. If wrongly shaped, they can be disastrous. In biology we read of ‘mitochondria’, the power house of the cell, likewise, youth is the powerhouses of the nation, which will make the nation proud. We have umpteen numbers of instances of youth who have brought glory to the nation by their skills and persistent effort in innovation. History too is filled with the sacrificing qualities of many youth who have given their life for their motherland. This is because youth are passionate and daring to make things happen as it is imagined.
It is true that the youth does not constitute the whole of population in the country, but they do form 100% of the future of the country. The nation will reach to exceedingly new heights when the youth are well nurtured and utilized. Most often, the youth get neglected in the society, and this does more harm than good. There is an urgent need to find new source to channel the potency of youth, to seek for newer developments and progress. The future will be bright and radiant, if today, the youth are given the care that is needed. Investing in youth is the right investment that can be made. Youth is the most rewarding asset for any endeavor.
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