History General Knowledge Questions and Answers – Set 10
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Q1. The first to make regular use of horses for war chariots were
A. The Egyptians
B. The Hittites
C. The Babylonians
D. The Indo-Aryans
Q2. By the first century A.D. the new form of Buddhism was known as
A. Mahayana
B. Hinayana
C. Vajrayana
D. Shahjyana
Q3. Who was the ruler of Delhi when Ibn Battutah visited India?
A. Ibrahim Lodhi
B. Mohammad Ghori
C. Mohammad bin Tughlaq
D. Sultan Raziya
Q4. Beethoven was born in
A. Germany
B. Italy
C. France
D. Denmark
Q5. The president of Pakistan who signed the Tashkent Agreement after the Indo-Pak was of 1965
A. Arub Khan
B. Zulfikar Ali Bhtto
C. Mujibur Rahman
D. Yahya Khan
Q6. Indus Valley Chivilization was famous for
A. Urban Life
B. City Planning
C. Pottery
D. Copper work
Q7. In January 2001 Calcutta officially becomes to
A. Culcatta
B. Kolkata
C. Kulkatta
D. Colcatta
Q8. When was “Sukhoi 30 MKI” inducted in Indian Air Force
A. 27 September 1999
B. 27 September 2000
C. 27 September 2001
D. 27 September 2002
Q9. Who has been appointed Governor of Maharashtra on 10 October?
A. Mohammad Fazal
B. Sri Sadiq Ali
C. Sri Prakasa
D. S.C. Jamir
Q10. Who opens the first stretch of Delhi’s new metro system.
A. Narendra Modi
B. Manmohan Singh
C. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
D. None of these
Q11. In 7 October 2001 ____ was sworn in as the chief minister of Gujarat
A. Narendra Modi
B. Manmohan Singh
C. Keshubhai Patel
D. None of these