Political Science General Knowledge Questions and Answers – Section 6
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Q1. How many members are nominated to the Lok Sabha by the President of India?
A. 10
B. 2
C. 3
D. 12
Q2. Which of the following Article says that the council of states shall not be subject to dissolution?
A. Article 83
B. Article 84
C. Article 90
D. Article 91
Q3. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is
A. Nominated by the President
B. Nominated by the prime minister
C. Nominated by the vice president
D. Elected by the members of the lok sabha
Q4. Any new All India Service can be created if a resolution by a 2/3rd majority is passed by
A. The lok sabha
B. The rajya sabha
C. Bothe of the houses of the parliament
D. None of these
Q5. What is the maximum period during which the Parliament many not meet?
A. Not more than 1 year
B. Not more than 6 months
C. Not more than 5 months
D. Not more than 9 months
Q6. The Speaker
A. Votes on every bill
B. Votes on money bill only
C. Votes only to help the party in power
D. Has a acting vote in case of a tie
Q7. The oath of office to the President is administrated by
A. The prime minister
B. The speaker of the lok sabha
C. The chief justice of India
D. The vice president of India
67. The oath of office to the President is administrated by
A. The prime minister
B. The speaker of the lok sabha
C. The chief justice of India
D. The vice president of India
Q8. President’s Rule must be approved by the parliament within the period of
A. 1 month
B. 6 month
C. 1 year
D. Indefinitely
Q9. The Governor may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the
A. Chief Minister
B. Prime Minister
C. Vice President
D. President
Q10. In civil matters, the highest court of appeal in a district is the
A. Court of senior sub judge
B. Small court
C. High court
D. District court