Bank Exam Questions and Answers Set- 8

Question 1. Which country has removed the tax on goods and services ‘GST’ with effect from 1 June 2018?

  1. Japan
  2. Korea
  3. Malaysia
  4. Indonesia
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Correct Answer: Malaysia

Question 2. IRDA is related to which of the following field?

  1. Banking
  2. Insurance
  3. Shire Market
  4. Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)
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Correct Answer: Insurance

Question 3. The first 14 lane expressway in India is set between which cities?

  1. Delhi-Meerut
  2. Delhi-Chandigarh
  3. Mumbai-Pune
  4. Pune-Nagpur
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Correct Answer: Delhi-Meerut

Question 4. Which company has completed the deal for the acquisition of India’s leading e-commerce Flipkart?

  1. Amazon
  2. Walmart
  3. Bharti Inter Perges
  4. Alibaba
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Correct Answer: Walmart

Question 5. Which of the following Japanese film has won the best film award at Cannes Film Festival (2018)?

  1. Cold War
  2. The Shape of Water
  3. Darkest hour
  4. Shoplifters
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Correct Answer: Shoplifters

Question 6. How many members are there in the Public Committee of Parliament?

  1. 7
  2. 15
  3. 22
  4. 32
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Correct Answer: 22

Question 7. In which state of India has the Kishan Ganga hydroelectric project been set up?

  1. West Bengal
  2. Arunachal Pradesh
  3. Uttarakhand
  4. Jammu and Kashmir
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Correct Answer: Jammu and Kashmir

Question 8. Which of these has been declared as the mascot of national intellectual property in May 2018?

  1. Ip Dadi
  2. Ip granny
  3. Ip dada
  4. Ip maternal grandfather
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Correct Answer: ip granny

Question 9. On May 28, 2018, the state-of-the-art ‘Eastern Peripheral Express Way’ has been inaugurated by Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, which of these don cities connects these expressways?

  1. Delhi-Meerut
  2. Noida-Gurugram
  3. Horoscope
  4. Delhi-Chandigarh
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Correct Answer: Horoscope-Palwal

Question 10. The World Bank has estimated what percentage of India’s growth rate in 2018?

  1. 7.0 percent
  2. 7.3 percent
  3. 7.7 percent
  4. 7.8 percent
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Answer: 7.3 percent
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