SET 2 – Biology General Knowledge Questions and Answers
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Q1. Palmau (Betla) National Park is situated in:
A. Orissa
B. West Bengal
C. Jharkhand
D. Bihar
,axis axis ,elephant and leopards too.
Q2. Hemichordates have close affinities with which of the following phylum:
A. Annelida
B. Arthopoda
C. Echinodermata
D. Mollusca
Q3. Dicondylic skull is the characteristic feature of
A. Amphibia and Mammalia
B. Aves and Mammalia
C. Amphibia and Reptilia
D. Reptilia and Aves
Q4. Echolocation is exhibited by
A. Man
B. Bats
C. Cats
D. Owl
coming in its way.
Q5. If in a child secretion from the anterior lobe of pituitary gland is more than normal, the child will be suffering from
A. Night Blindness
B. Maturing late
C. Gigantic due to speedy growth
D. Dull mentally and weak
Q6. Blood is supplied to the walls of vessels by
A. Choroid plexus
B. Pons varoli
C. Crura cerebri
D. Vasa vasorum
Q7. On the basis of development odontoid process of axis of mammals is:
A. Ribs of axis vertebrae
B. Centrum of atlas
C. Neural spine of atlas
D. Centrum of axis
Q8. Gametocytes of malarial parasites are formed in
A. Stomach of female Anopheles
B. Stomach of male anopheles
C. Blood of man
D. Salivary glands of anopheles
the vector.
Q9. Trypanosoma is
A. Non-pathogenic
B. Monogenetic
C. Digenetic
D. Facultative
Q10. One of the following is not correctly matched –
A. Glochidium – Mollusca
B. Planula – Coelenterata
C. Trochophore – Anelida
D. Tornaria – Echinodermata