Fundamental Duties Questions and Answers 2023

Fundamental Duties Questions and Answers 2023 : Understanding Civic Responsibilities

Fundamental Duties Questions and Answers:- Delve into the essence of civic responsibilities with our concise Fundamental Duties questions and answers. Gain a deeper understanding of your role as a responsible citizen

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Fundamental Duties Questions and Answers 2023

Q. The Constitution of the Indian Constitution which country has the fundamental duty?
Answer: Russia

Q. What was recommended fundamental duty was added to the Constitution?
Answer: Sardar Swaran Singh Committee

Q. Which amendment of the Indian Constitution was added fundamental duty?
Answer: 42nd Amendment (1976)

Q. Article of the Constitution and the fundamental duty to explain what part does?
Answer: part (a), Article 51 (a)

Q. What is the number of fundamental duties?
Answer: Eleven

Q. What are the fundamental duties listed in the Constitution?

  • (ii) Llpratyek be the duty of man to obey the Constitution and its ideals, institutions, to respect the national flag and national anthem.
  • (iii) lswatntrta for high ideals which inspired our national freedom movement respects.
  • (iv) lbart’s sovereignty, unity and integrity to protect and maintain it intact.
  • (v) ldesh to protect.
  • (vi) lbart all people to build a sense of harmony and common brotherhood.
  • (vii) Understand the importance of the glorious tradition of our culture and to the test.
  • (viii) Snvrdhn and to protect the natural environment.
  • (xi) Scientific approach and to develop a sense of knowledge.
  • Protect the public property.
  • (i) L0lwyktigt and collective activities to continuous efforts to move towards excellence in all spheres.
  • (ii) Llmata by a parent or guardian to provide primary education for children from 6 to 14 years.
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Q1: What are Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution?

Answer: Fundamental Duties are a set of moral and civic responsibilities outlined in Part IV-A of the Indian Constitution, under Article 51A.

Q2: How many Fundamental Duties are there?

Answer: There are 11 Fundamental Duties specified in the Indian Constitution.

Q3: Are Fundamental Duties enforceable by law?

Answer: No, they are not enforceable by law, but it is the duty of every citizen to follow them.

Q4: When were Fundamental Duties incorporated into the Constitution?

Answer: Fundamental Duties were added through the 42nd Amendment Act in 1976.

Q5: What is the significance of Fundamental Duties?

Answer: Fundamental Duties promote a sense of discipline, responsibility, and respect for the nation’s heritage among citizens.

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Q6: Can Fundamental Duties be amended?

Answer: Yes, the Parliament has the authority to amend Fundamental Duties by a constitutional amendment.

Q7: What is the age limit for citizens to follow Fundamental Duties?

Answer: Fundamental Duties apply to all citizens, regardless of age.

Q8: Are Fundamental Duties legally binding?

Answer: While not legally enforceable, they are considered a moral obligation for every citizen.

Q9: Can the government take action against a citizen for not following Fundamental Duties?

Answer: The government cannot take direct legal action, but it can promote awareness and education about these duties.

Q10: Can Fundamental Duties be suspended during emergencies?

Answer: No, Fundamental Duties cannot be suspended during emergencies.

Q11: What is the penalty for not following Fundamental Duties?

Answer: There is no direct penalty, but failure to fulfill Fundamental Duties may result in a less responsible and disciplined society.

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Q12: Can Fundamental Duties change over time?

Answer: Yes, the Parliament can add or modify Fundamental Duties through constitutional amendments.

Q13: What is the purpose of Fundamental Duties?

Answer: The purpose of Fundamental Duties is to promote the spirit of patriotism and a sense of responsibility among citizens towards the nation.

Q14: Can Fundamental Duties be enforced through legal action in the future?

Answer: There have been discussions about making Fundamental Duties legally enforceable in the future, but as of now, they remain non-justiciable.

Q15: How do Fundamental Duties differ from Fundamental Rights?

Answer: Fundamental Rights are enforceable by law and protect individual liberties, while Fundamental Duties are moral obligations placed on citizens to ensure a just and responsible society.

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