SET 5 – Basic General Knowledge Questions and Answers

All the questions are related to ‘GK Quiz Set-5’, will prove to be helpful for you in the upcoming competitive examinations.

GK Questions and Answers Set-5 for Bank, SSC, Railway and More.

Q1. When did India participate in Olympic hockey?
1. 1920
2. 1928
3. 1938
4. 1948

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Answer: 1928

Q2. How many teeth does a normal adult dog have?
1. 32
2. 34
3. 38
4. 42

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Answer: 42

Q3. If the rotation speed of the Earth increases, the body weight _______?
1. decreases
2. remains unchanged
3. increases
4. Decrease or may increase

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Answer: Decreases

Q4. When was Indira Gandhi assassinated?
1. 1974
2. 1984
3. 1994
4. 2004

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Answer: 1984

Q5. When was India’s first nuclear explosion in Pokhran in Rajasthan?
1. 1984
2. 1974
3. 1964
4. 1954

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Answer: 1974

Q6. How many players on each side are there in a game of basketball?
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7

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Answer: 5

Q7. How far are two sets of wickets in cricket?
1. 18 yards apart
2. 20 yards apart
3. Except for 22 yards
4. Except for 24 yards

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Answer: Except for 22 yards

Q8. When was India’s first indigenous helicopter successfully hoisted in Bangalore?
1. August 30, 1992
2. August 30, 1982
3. 30 August 1990
4. none of the above

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Answer: August 30, 1992

Q9. Which followings were held at the last winter Olympic Games?
1. Albertville
2. lillehammer
3. Sochi, Russia
4. Salt Lake City (USA)

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Answer: Sochi, Russia

Q10. Which countries of the Hundred Years War were being fought between?
1. France and England
2. Greek and Persian Forces
3. Civil war in England
4. none of the above

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Answer: France and England

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