History General Knowledge Questions and Answers – Set 6
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Q1. In which year did the Simon Commission visit India?
A. 1929
B. 1926
C. 1927
D. 1928
Q2. Who was the Governor General of India at the time of First Round Table Conference?
A. Lord Irwin
B. Lord Wellington
C. Lord Ready
D. Lord Minto
Q3. The massacre at Jallianwala Bagh was preceded by the
A. Partition of Bengal
B. Surat Split
C. Passage of the Rowlett Act
D. Minto-Morley Reforms
Q4. The Chauri Choura incident occurred on
A. March 12, 1923
B. February 15, 1922
C. January 13, 1922
D. February 5, 1922
Q5. Lala Lajpat Rai was seriously injured in a police assault and died shortly thereafter. He was leading a demonstration against the
A. Rowlett Act
B. Partition of Bengal
C. Simon Commission
D. Cripps Mission
Q6. Under whose leadership was the All India Muslim League founded?
A. Aga Khan
B. Maulana Mohammad Ali
C. Hasrat Mohani
D. Mohammad Ali Jinna
Q7. The pioneer of Indian Renaissance was
A. Swami Vivekanand
B. Swami Dayand Saraswati
C. Dadabhai Naroji
D. Raja Ram Mohan Ray
Q8. Which of the following states was not annexed by using the “Doctrine of Lapse”?
A. Jhansi
B. Nagpur
C. Satara
D. Oudh
Q9. The slogan “from each according to ehis capacity and to each according to his work” was first coined by
A. Proudhon
B. Karl Marx
C. Fedrick Engels
D. Saint Simon
Q10. The name “United Nations” was first coined by
A. Winston Churchill
B. Joseph Stalin
C. Chiang Kai Shek
D. F.D. Roosevelt
Q11. The first woman of Indian origin in space
A. Kalpana Chawla
B. Shubha Tole
C. Yamuna Krishnan
D. None of these