SET 4 – Politics Questions and Answers

Set-4 Political Science GK Questions and Answers | All the questions and answers of political quiz section-4 are based on political science which will be helpful for various competitive exams.

SET 4 – Politics GK Questions and Answers for Every Competitive Exams

Q1. In which year did the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan start?
1. 15 April 2014
2. 19 December 2015
3. 2 October 2014
4. 15 January 2014

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Answer: 2 October 2014

Q2. “I have nothing to offer except blood, sweat and tears” Who said this sentence?
1. Napoleon
2. Subhash Chandra Bose
3. Churchill
4. Lord Nelson

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Answer: Churchill

Q3. In which year did the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan or program begin?
1. 2006
2. 1996
3. 1999
4. 1994

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Answer: 1999

Q4. In which year Azad Hind Fauj was activated?
1. 1942
2. 1956
3. 1954
4. 1943

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Answer: 1942

Q5. Which party / group was Stafford Cripps ________?
1. Labor Party
2. State official
3. Liberal Party
4. Other

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Answer: Labor Party

Q6. In which year was the National Development Council established?
1. September 1941
2. August 1950
3. August 1952
4. January 1956

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Answer: August 1952

Q7. The All India Harijan Association has been established by which of the following?
1. Subhash Chandra Bose
2. Jawaharlal Nehru
3. Mahatma Gandhi
4. Raja Rammohan Roy

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Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Q8. When was the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh formed?
1. 15 November 1936
2. 75 August 1945
3. 27 September 1925
4. 15 January 1956

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Answer: 27 September 1925

Q9. Where is the headquarters of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh located?
1. Bhopal
2. Agra
3. Ahmedabad
4. Nagpur

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Answer: Nagpur

Q10. Where is the headquarters of Bharatiya Janata Party located?
1. New Delhi
2. Jharkhand
3. Maharashtra
4. Gujarat

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Answer: New Delhi
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