SET 5 – SSC CHSL Questions and Answers

Set 5 – SSC CHSL Exam GK Questions and Answers

SSC CHSL Exam GK – Set 5:- Below are the questions and answers of SSC CHSL GK Questions Section-5, All SSC CHSL related questions published in this section will be important and helpful for you in all SSC CHSL exams.

Q1. In which state is the oldest rock cut architecture found?
1. Rajasthan
2. Bihar
3. Karnataka
4. Mizoram

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Answer: Bihar

Q2. Which drug is used as an anti-biotic?
1. Metformin
2. Renitidine
3. Azithromycin
4. Ibuprofen

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Answer: Azithromycin - Azithromycin is an organic compound used as an anti-biotic.

Q3. Tamerindus indica is the scientific name of
1. Neem
2. Pineapple
3. Tamarind
4. Chiku

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Answer: Tamarind - Tamarind plant is a tree of total fabaceae. Its fruits are red to brown in color, and are very sour in taste, the tamarind tree can grow very large over time and its leaves are small on either side of a circle. The tamarind's scientific name is Tamerindus indica.

Q4. Which of these elements has the lowest melting point?
1. Zinc
2. Titanium
3. Sulfur
4. Fluorine

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Answer: Fluorine - Fluorine is an organic compound, the lowest melting point of fluorine.

Q5. What is the full form of ALU in computer?
1. Advanced Logic Unit
2. Accelerated Logic Unit
3. Arithmetic Logic Unit
4. Asymmetric Logic Unit

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Answer: Arithmetic Logic Unit - Consists of Arithmetic Logic Unit and Primary Memory it controls the CPU of the computer.

Q6. Which Indian religion had 24 Tirthankaras?
1. Jain
2. Buddhist
3. Hindu
4. Sikh

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Answer: Jainism - Jainism is the oldest religion in Indi1. 'Jainism' means 'religion promoted by Jin'. Those who are followers of 'Jin' are called 'Jain'. The word 'Jin' is made from 'Zi' metal. 'Zi' Mane - Winning. Winner of 'Jin' Mane. Who won his min4. There were 24 Tirthankaras in Jainism.

Q7. In which situation does inflation occur?
1. There is a general increase in prices over time
2. The level of prices decreases from time to time.
3. There is a steady increase in production levels over time.
4. The purchase price of money increases

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Answer: There is a general increase in prices over time - Inflation is an economical concept based on mathematical estimation that leads to the spread of money in the market and the rise in commodity prices. Or the shortfall is calculated, it is the job of inflation to scientifically list the rise in the price of things and decrease in the price of the currency.

Q8. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas that can damage the ozone layer?
1. BBr3
2. NH3
3. CH2N2
4. CCl2F2

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Answer: CCl2F2

Q9. Which disease is caused by the genus Plasmodium?
1. Dysentery
2. Malaria
3. Smallpox
4. Herpes

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Answer: Malaria - Malaria or malaria is a carrier-borne infectious disease spread by protozoan parasites, mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, Asia and Africa continents. Spread, the parasites of the genus Plasmodium are caused by malaria disease.

Q10. Which one of these is not an Indian food?
1. Tiramisu
2. Emirati
3. Firni
4. Payasam

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Answer: Tiramisu
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